Sunscreen for Children

Sunscreen for Children


How can I protect my child from the sun younger than six months?

The best way to shield your child from sun exposure is to leave them in the shade. Anyone six months and younger is at greater risk for sun damage since their skin is ten times more susceptible.¹

Ways to protect your child from harmful UV rays:

  • Umbrellas
  • Strollers with a sun shade
  • Sun hats
  • Full-coverage clothing, less porous in texture sunglasses 
  • Sitting under a tree 
  • Outdoor tents for kids 
  • Shaded playpens 
  • Staying in during the peak hours of UV rays 
  • Consideration of rising temperatures

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Is 30 SPF protective enough for my child?

Think about SPF as a time frame of how long the sunscreen lasts rather than a measure of how much protection it has. Currently, there is no sunscreen on the market offering 100% protection. If you want 100% protection, the best solution is to avoid sun exposure.² We recommend applying our SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen every 2 hours and 30 minutes before sun exposure for everyday use for optimal protection. 30 SPF offers 96.7% protection against UVB rays. Anything 50 or higher protects the skin against 98% of UVB rays.³ The best solution might be to choose one bottle of SPF between 30-50 and focus on how often you need to reapply. 

Is it better to keep my child away from the sun altogether?

No, the reason is that you won't get an effective source of vitamin D from staying inside. UV rays benefit vitamin D synthesis after sun exposure, decrease feelings of depression, and help with symptoms of vitiligo and psoriasis. Up to 5 minutes a day can supplement the daily requirement of vitamin D.

Our SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen is intended for everyday use. Snag it on our website to get a head start on your child's skincare routine! Implementing our sunscreen into your little one's daily skincare routine will help prevent long-term damage from the sun's UVA/B rays. 


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1-Jindal AK, Gupta A, Vinay K, Bishnoi A. Sun Exposure in Children: Balancing the Benefits and Harms. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2020 Jan 13;11(1):94-98. doi: 10.4103/idoj.IDOJ_206_19. PMID: 32055519; PMCID: PMC7001416.2-Sander, Megan et al. "The efficacy and safety of sunscreen use for the prevention of skin cancer." CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne vol. 192,50 (2020): E1802-E1808. doi:10.1503/cmaj.2010853-Creative, Bam. "What's the Difference between SPF30+ and SPF50+?" Cancer Council Western Australia,,protection%20claimed%20on%20the%20label.4-Alshahrani, Fahad M et al. "Vitamin D: Light side and best time of sunshine in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia." Dermato-endocrinology vol. 5,1 (2013): 177-80. doi:10.4161/derm.23351

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